In normal situations, the fiber has a larger Young's modulus than the matrix, and for the continuous fibers shown, where the strain is the same in the matrix and the fiber, the fiber stress is higher ...
PMMA has a Young's modulus of 2.9 GPa, UTS of 55 MPa, and a 5% elongation to fracture. Its density is 1.2 Mg/m 3. The material softens above 100 C and melts at about 200 C.
Soal kompetensi teknis PPPK guru fisika mencakup materi pelajaran dan metode mengajar. Berikut daftar 45 soal PPPK guru ...
Soal Ujian Tengah Semester atau UTS Kelas 11 SMA/MA mata pelajaran Fisika berbentuk pilihan ganda ini merupakan soal terbaru.