As the Center of National Resistance warns, the Russian occupiers are organizing the forced removal of sick children from the hospice in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. Points of ...
The Russian Federation's plan to end the war against Ukraine may include several key points, including the creation of a "demilitarized zone" on Ukrainian territory and Ukraine's refusal to join NATO.
As American journalists managed to find out from their insiders, Ukraine's Western allies want it to develop a clear plan of its achievements for the next year of the war with Russia. Points of ...
According to the CIA, Ukraine topped the world ranking of countries with the highest mortality and the lowest birth rate against the background of the continuation of the criminal war unleashed by ...
The other day, the Ukrainian military arrived in Romania, where they will train on F-16 aircraft sent by the Netherlands. These exercises will take place at the air base in Calaras County. Points of ...
The USA may soon give Ukraine permission to use American long-range missiles to hit military targets in Russia. Civilian Russians do not hide that they are very afraid of such a development. Points of ...
The deputy commander of the Third Assault Brigade is outraged by the stories when fighters risk their lives on the battlefield for 10 years, but still have not been able to obtain citizenship.
The Pentagon has signed a $1.2 billion contract to manufacture AMRAAM missiles. Ukraine will receive part of these missiles. Points of attention The Pentagon signed a contract for the production of ...
On September 13, Vasyl Nebenzya, the aggressor country's ambassador to the UN, completely repeated yesterday's theses of the illegitimate president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, regarding ...
Researchers from the Vienna Institute of International Economic Research assessed the impact of the Ukrainian government's projects to increase excise taxes on tobacco products on the number of ...
German leader Olaf Scholz has publicly promised that he and his team will do everything possible to establish the circumstances of the Russian Nord Stream pipeline bombings that took place 2 years ago ...
The American Institute for the Study of War has concluded that the illegitimate president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, has developed a new approach to waging war against Ukraine.