Akhmat special forces have destroyed several pieces of equipment and two drone control points of the Armed Forces of Ukraine ...
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has presented Russian Permanent Representative Vasily Nebenza with the Order of the ...
The total amount of limits on family mortgages will be sufficient until November, the press service of the Ministry of ...
Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko, who returned on September 23 on the Soyuz MS-25 spacecraft from the International Space ...
The Iraqi army can effectively deal with the security threats it will face after the withdrawal of US troops from the country ...
The bill to ban the Childfree movement will be submitted to the State Duma on Tuesday. This was reported on September 24 "RIA ...
The Criminal Code may introduce a separate punishment for a deliberate road accident committed for the purpose of extorting ...
Russia maintains a permanent dialog with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on the situation at the Zaporizhzhya ...
The State Duma is preparing a bill to provide for imprisonment of up to four years for a deliberate traffic accident ...
The Prosecutor General's Office after the appeal of the Presidential Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights ...
Banks have almost completely stopped buying dollar cash from the public if it is not, as they themselves put it, in perfect ...
An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.9 was recorded off the coast of Japan, in the region of the Ryukyu Islands. This was ...