Terri Murray responds to an article in Issue 91 that argued that our moral dispositions should be improved by the use of drugs. “Each is the proper guardian of his own health, whether bodily, or ...
Ray Boisvert tells us about Camus’ essential ambivalence towards the world. If ever there were a poster child for French meritocracy, it would be Albert Camus. He was not yet two when his father was ...
Siobhan Lyons tries not to use either to explain what and why they are. As a schoolgirl in a Catholic Primary School, I often had to attend church. In W. Somerset Maugham’s Of Human Bondage, the ...
Andrew Hussey on the death of a turbulent thinker. All followers of pop culture will know that 1994 was a good year for death: not on a par with 1969-70 (Jim, Jim, Janis), but epochal enough as the ...
Lucian Lupescu sees how far Kant’s and Marx’s ideals overlap. In 1784 Immanuel Kant described humanity as being in a state of immaturity, which to Kant is “the inability to use one’s own understanding ...
Alan Haworth on Karl Popper, his vision of a pragmatic, liberal society, and his assessment of its philosophical enemies. It is now one hundred years since the birth of Karl Popper, and almost sixty ...
Ralph Blumenau considers the long and distinguished history of Jewish Philosophy. This massive book, consisting of contributions from 35 scholars, is obviously a valuable and learned resource for ...
Stanley Fish is an American literary theorist, legal scholar, and public intellectual. Scott Parker asks him about a particular kind of community. The idea of interpretive communities was introduced ...
The following answers to this key philosophical question each win a random book. It is clear that morality is a feature of humanity. However, if morality were objective then every member of our ...
Samuel Kaldas compares two views on the nature of animals and their implications for our moral responsibility towards them. “No one understands animals who does not see that every one of them, even ...
Sophia Gottfried meditates on the emptiness of non-existence. In philosophy there is a lot of emphasis on what exists. We call this ontology, which means, the study of being. What is less often ...
Amy Cools reminds us why science needs philosophy. There’s been some very public dig-taking between the science and philosophy camps lately. Lawrence Krauss, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Stephen Hawking, and ...