Sequoia National Park, America's second national park, was established on this day in history, Sept. 25, 1890. The aim of the ...
U.S. Army Captain Meriwether Lewis and 2nd Lt. William Clark — plus the Corps of Discovery — returned to St. Louis after epic ...
American officer Benedict Arnold met in secret with British Major John Andre on Sept. 21, 1780, with a plot to trade the ...
Abraham Lincoln issued the "preliminary" Emancipation Proclamation on this day in history, Sept. 22, 1862, announcing the slaves would be freed on Jan. 1, 1863.
President George Washington issued his Farewell Address on this day in history, Sept. 19, 1796. He spoke proudly of the new ...
Babe Ruth, one of the greatest baseball players of all time, played his last baseball game as a Yankee at Yankee Stadium in ...
On this day in history, Sept. 16, 1919, The American Legion received a charter from Congress as it continued to aid veterans ...
September 18th has been a date marked by significant events throughout history, shaping the world as we know it today.1989: ...
The Mount Rushmore carving of Abraham Lincoln, the nation's 16th president, was officially dedicated on this day in history, ...
I'm all for Randian greed, but Donald Trump peddling coins is a grotesque example of capitalism and a waste of time while ...
Sens. Susan Collins and Angus King have introduced and sponsored federal legislation to recognize Maine's iconic industry.
The first Black woman elected to the Senate, Democratic Sen. Carol Moseley Braun of Illinois in 1992, served a single term.