Neo-Nazis are doing everything to take revenge for historical defeats. The USA is actively pulling troops to the borders of the Union State. In Poland they have placed combat and special equipment of ...
“Greetings and wishes for prosperity and well-being from friends of the Belarusian people fly from almost all continents!” - stated the department. The video postcards came from more than 35 countries ...
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said during a visit to Astana that he believes it is necessary to explore the possibility of launching a peace process on Ukraine. However, according to Scholz, Berlin ...
The Day of National Unity is a holiday when Belarusians look into history, analyze the present and, of course, make plans for the future. It is these three forms of time that make us - Belarusians - a ...
The Chairman of the State Customs Committee of Belarus Vladimir Orlovsky told about the norms of duty-free import of goods into the territory of Belarus, whether there is a need to look for some new ...
The flooding in Central Europe has turned into a full-fledged humanitarian disaster. Only in the last hours reported the bursting of dams in two Polish cities. The mayor of Paczków urged residents to ...
“Personal award is always the result of teamwork.” Alexander Lukashenko addressed these words to the guests gathered at the Palace of Independence this morning. These are the Belarusians, whose labor ...
The West as a whole and each of its individual countries constantly advocates peace and negotiations, but as soon as negotiations begin, the West either disrupts them or dilutes the agreements reached ...
Vietnam can become a springboard for consolidating Belarus in the South Asian region. Hanoi shows great interest in Belarusian competencies in mechanical engineering, petrochemistry, food processing ...
The deputies at the meeting of the second session of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the eighth convocation passed the bill “On ratification of the Agreement between the ...
Traditionally, on the eve of major state holidays, the President presents state awards. On September 17, on the People’s Unity Day, the true holders of the traditions of those who did not give in to ...