The second edition of the award was introduced by Marta Messa, Secretary General of Slow Food, with founder Carlo Petrini, [… ...
At Terra Madre 2024, a special honey takes center stage: the honey produced by rural communities—especially women—in the ...
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Today, 3000 delegates from 120 countries arrived in Turin (Italy) to represent the whole world with their traditional costumes, highlighting the different colors and peoples they belong to. Many of ...
L’Union européenne importe une grande quantité des matières brutes du secteur de l’alimentation animale, surtout du soja (85 % du soja, 24 % du maïs et 8 % du blé consommés), soit près de 14 millions ...
L’Unione Europea importa una grande quantità di materie prime per l’alimentazione del bestiame, in particolare soia (e nel dettaglio, 85% della soia, 24% del mais e 8% del grano e del mais consumati), ...
La Unión Europea importa una gran cantidad de materias primas del sector de la alimentación animal, especialmente la soja (85 % de la soja, 24 % del maíz y 8 % del trigo y el maíz consumidos) y ...
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Great interest at today’s conference “Feeding the Future: alternative solutions for sustainable poultry farming” held in the framework of Terra Madre 2024 to present and discuss preliminary results of ...
The European Union imports a large quantity of raw materials of the livestock feeding sector, especially soybean (85% of the soybean, 24% of corn and 8% of wheat and corn consumed), reaching almost 14 ...